Inscriu-Te Ara - My Club MY CLUB ()
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Special T&Cs for this property

The hostel accepts the following credit card brands for balance payments: Visa, Mastercard, Visa Electron, American Express, JCB, Aura, Diners, Debit Cards.
The property reserves the right to pre-authorise credit cards prior to arrival .
Taxes not included: Tourist tax.

Free cancellation at least 24 hours before arrival date, first night of stay fee for late cancellation or no show

Security measures and new protocols – Covid-19

At Inout Hostel we have developed strict security measures and new protocols that will allow us to offer a service with the maximum guarantees.

In this regard, we want to communicate to Inout Hostel customers a series of rules and measures that will be taken throughout their stay:

• Before entering the reception, the body temperature will be determined with infrared thermometer. If your temperature exceeds 37.3 degrees C. we will advise you to go to the medical services since you will not be able to stay in our facilities.
• Gloves are not allowed to enter our facilities. Gloves should be thrown in the red trash can found at the reception entrance.
• At the entrance you will be given a jet of alcoholic solution for hand hygiene.
• At the entrance of the reception building you will walk on artificial grass rugs, with chlorine-based disinfectant to disinfect your shoes.
• There will only be one person inside the reception.
• Customers will wait to enter the reception keeping the Security distance of 2 meters. You will see it marked with stripes on the ground.
• Greetings will be made without physical contact. We will receive you with a smile under our mask.
• We request payment by credit card or other electronic means, preferably contactless. The POS will be disinfected with a chlorine-based product and paper after each use.
• We will give you the magnetic card of the room previously disinfected with a chlorine-based product.
• We ask our clients to avoid touching beds, bunk beds, lockers and other client´s personal belongings and it will be necessary to keep their personal objects inside their locker.
• It is not allowed to bring sleeping bags or bath towels and it is compulsory to rent sheets and towels that we will deliver individually bagged at the reception.
• If you need a map of Barcelona or any tourist information, you can request it at reception as there will be no reference books, brochures or guides to which customers have access.
• We inform our clients that for security reasons the luggage storage services, safe, computers for common use available to clients or shared kitchen will be kept closed.
• Guests will have disinfectant solution in the access area to the rooms.

• The arrangement of the beds in the rooms will respect the 2-meter safety distance, both in terms of overnight stay, and in terms of mobility within the room. We ask you, please, not to change the furniture.
• For the use of the toilets you must write your name in the time slot you want to use on the grill that you will see hanging on the door of each bathroom, since there can only be one person inside.
• Customers, who have not booked their breakfast online, may purchase a ticket at reception. Breakfast will come served in individual packages.
• The breakfast service will take place outside, on terraces, porches and in the garden, each separated by a distance of 2 meters. In the tables you will find marked with a doll, the positions where you can sit. We request not to move tables and chairs to respect safety distances.
• We ask our customers to collect the remains of the breakfast, put them in the bag that will be provided and throw them in the pedal carts with green lids located at the entrance of the reception and restaurant buildings.
• In the event that maintenance is required, you will be asked to leave your room while the tasks are being performed.
• We inform our clients that our interior common spaces as well as the hostel's kitchen will remain closed until further notice.
• Access for pool users will be carried out taking into account its capacity and always respecting the possibility that a minimum preventive distance of 2 meters between bathers is ensured within the pool.
• A temperature control will be carried out to the users of the pool at the pool entrance. In the event that the user presents a body temperature of 37.3ºC, entry to the facility will be prohibited.
• We will provide hand disinfection at the entrance to the pool.
• You will have a lawn mat with chlorine and water for cleaning footwear at the entrance to the pool with residual disinfectant type lye for the soles.
• We will provide each user with a plastic bag for disposable material that they must deposit properly closed in a garbage can (with lid and pedal) at the exit of the pool.
• We ask our clients to respect the signs so that mobility continues to respect the distances of 2 meters with the tables and with the companions staying.

This series of measures have been taken so that you only have to worry about enjoying your stay.

Condicions i informació sobre la privacitat

Hostelsclub, conforme amb l'article 29 de la llei 196/2003, declara:

a) Les dades recollides en aquest formulari es concluiran una vegada relizats els serveis de la reserva objecte de la pàgina present, i seràn tractats amb mitjans informatics atomatitzats.

b)L'incorporació de les dates personals son obligatòries si vol gaudir del servei de resreves.

d)Si no s’omplen tots els espais amb les dades eprsonals s’impedeix l'accés als serveis de reserves.

d)Les dades recollides vindràn transmeses a persones o societats encaregades de resoldre els serveis relatius amb la reserva, i vindrà transmès exclusivament a terceres amb la finalitat de poder realitzar el servei de reseves.

e) Els drets del client estàn garantits conforme amb l'article 7 de la le 196/2003.

f) El responsable de les dades recollides es Mo.Lo.Ra. SRL - - San Polo 1890, 30125, Venècia, ITALIA, Tel.: 0039 (0)41 24 13 870 - Fax 0039 (0)41 24 15 785 - .


Termes i condicions

1) no posseïx cap dels establiments que apareixen en la llista de la pàgina web, proporcionem un motor de reservacions per a facilitar les reserves confirmades, és l'establiment el que té la responsabilitat de proveir a l'usuari la comoditat segons la disponibilitat que ofereix.

2) s’esforça per proporcionar allotjaments acceptables i amb una correcta descripció, no obstant no som responsables de l’estàndard del establiment.

3) Fem tot l'esforç per a assegurar que l'establiment tracta als usuaris que reserven correctament.

4) Les valoracions visibles en la nostra pàgina estàn escrites pels usuaris, són les opinions d’aquells usuaris que s'han allotjat en els presents establiments.

5) Totes les cancel•lacions s'han de realitzar 24 hores abans de la data d'arribada tret que siguin indicades d'altra manera per l'establiment. Les cancel•lacions s'han de fer pels usuaris en l'àrea My club o directament amb l'establiment, no pot cancel•lar una reserva confirmada.
En cas d'un no-show, l'establiment té dret a carregar la primera nit de totes les nits que s’han reservat tret que sigui indicat d'altra manera per l'establiment.

6) Quan es faci una reserva l'usuari pagarà immediatament un dipòsito del 10% del preu total de la reserva (no reembolsable) i 2 euros de booking fee. La resta, inclòs els serveis addicionals, es pagarà al arribar a l'establiment sempre adaptan-se a la politica que tinguin.

7) confirmarà la reserva i remetrà els detalls de la reserva a l'establiment i a l'usuari. És la responsabilitat dels usuaris portar una còpia de la reserva a l'establiment per a poder fer el check-in.

8) Els dipòsits no són reembolsables. és responsable del dipòsit davant l'usuari solament en el cas de que hi hagi una complicació o conflicte.

9) fa tot el possible perquè hi hagi seguretat en totes les transaccions que es facin amb la targeta de crèdit. No obstant, si apareix algun cobrament desautoritzat en la facturació de la targeta de crèdit pel fet d’usar-ho amb, en qualsevol moment durant o després de que faci la reserva, no es fa responsable de cap pèrdua o dany sofert.

10) La conversió del preu en altra moneda diferent de l'euro (EUR) es fan normalment amb les tarifes d’ inter-bank, actualitzades i recollides de fonts reputables, però no és garantit que sigui exacte. La companyia de la seva targeta de crèdit pot carregar-li una quantitat lleument diversa per a les compres fetes amb l'euro (EUR) què especifiquem en la nostra pàgina, depenent del contracte de la seva targeta de crèdit.


reserves de grup

Travelling in a group? Click on the link below to get the list of hostels that accept reservations for 10 or more guests.

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