Introducing James Clark, travel blogger of Nomadic Notes
James Clark is a talented travel blogger and his story is really an inspiration for all of us who love to travel. In 2003 he left his job in Dublin and decided to become a so called "digital nomad". He gives us an example on how to leave a boring office job behind and start a new life with a different worldwide career.
We decided to interview James and find out more about what being a digital nomad means.
- Can you briefly introduce yourself and your Nomadic Notes to our readers? We'd like to know more about the genesis of your website?
Hi, I’m James Clark and I can be found online at nomadicnotes.com. I began a life of work and travel over 10 years ago and Nomadic Notes is about my work and travel life. It has been a great way to meet others along the way as well. - What is the first trip you remember taking and how old were you? Were you bitten by the travel bug immediately or did that happen as the years went by?
I have a blur of memories of family road trips to Queensland when I was young. Driving from southern NSW these trips would take 2-3 days of driving (this was in the days before low cost flights). My first trip overseas was when I was 23 years old. I went to Hawaii for a week and I mark that trip as when I contracted the travel bug. - You are currently living... where? And what's your current home like?
I’m currently in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. I have been using the city as a home base for the past year for when I am not on the road. At the moment I am renting a short term studio apartment in District 1, close to lots of great places to eat. - Everybody has a bucket list, especially a travel blogger like yourself. What's on that list for 2014?
I have a list of new countries I want to visit in 2014 (to be confirmed), and also to continue to grow my travel media business. - Often a big misconception of long term traveling such as yours is that it's one big holiday, when I suppose the truth is there are a lot of hard moments. Tell us about one particular moment that sticks in your mind where things got a bit overwhelming for you during your travels?
I love being able to travel but I do remind people that I work more hours than when I was in a salaried job. The overwhelming aspect is usually when I have been on the road too long and not getting anything done, so in those times I know it is time to slow down. - Favorite foreign word and why?
When I was living in Ireland I become fond of using the word craic. The word doesn’t have an English translation but it is used as a greeting: "how’s the craic?” a way of asking what is going on “what’s the craic?” or a way to describe a good time out: “that was great craic”. - What has been your most successful blog post to date and what was it about?
My post on celebrating ten years as a digital nomad was the most popular to date. I left my job and began working for myself while I was in Europe. I didn’t know at the time that I was going to be doing this for so long, but that is how it worked out. - The silliest thing you've ever done while traveling?
I was travelling from Hungary to Romania on the train and I didn’t realise that Australians needed a visa to go to Romania (this was just months before Romania joined the EU). I got to the border and was denied entry, then driven back to a lonely border post miles from the nearest town. - What keeps you going? What keeps you motivated?
Running a business I enjoy doing certainly keeps me motivated. When I have days where I don’t feel so motivated I just remember how unsatisfied I was with my work life before I started my own business. - What one piece of wisdom/advice would you share with our readers from your travel memories, experience or just personal thoughts?
Long term travel has been a life changing for me and If you are dreaming about going on long term travels then put everything you can into making it happen.
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