A travel tart and his theories on silly aspects of world travel


Anthony's funny adventures all around the world

Anthony, an Italian by heritage born in Australia, runs The Travel Tart (Offbeat Tales From A Travel Addict) which is his successful blog where he tells his stories about the silly aspects of world travel today.

There are people, like Anthony, who travel for the fun. If you are a traveler alike, this interview with such a travel tart won't surprise you.

Here are the questions we decided to ask Anthony and we guess that already from his picture you will note that his anwers can't be to serious. And HostelsClub loves him just the way he his!

Let's get started:

How did you start The Travel Tart?

I met some guys who had amazing lives running their own blogs in different niches so I decided to give it a go myself. I've had some amazing experiences thanks to this silly website! No regrets!

How do you fund your travel?

I beg for as much money as possible from anyone that will give it to me.

How do you plan your trips?

I don't plan them! I find the best way to plan trips is to have no plans - just select the arrival and departure points, and whatever happens in the middle is whatever happens! I've had the most fun travelling this way!

Is there something you can’t travel without?

My stupid repertoire of corny jokes.

Did you ever lose anything essential while travelling?

My liver. From drinking way too much beer.

What's your biggest fear while travelling?

Coming back home to reverse culture shock.

Is there a misadventure you would like to tell us about?

I only travel so that I can have misadventures and not run out of dinner party conversations! Probably my favourite was catching a minbus taxi in southern Africa for about 12 hours which flew at 150 km/hour whilst sitting next to the person with the biggest behind which meant that mine was hanging over the seat for ages. Then I had to sleep in a bed with my travel buddy because the hostel didn't have any singles. But I was too exhausted to care and I'm pretty sure I didn't give/receive too many man hugs that night.

Did you ever meet any extremely weird/interesting/inspiring person in your travel?

Hell yeah. I once met a backpacker who only travelled with 2 small day packs. But he smelt bad.

What’s the craziest thing you’ve done while travelling?

I've jumped off a few perfectly stable platforms whilst bungee swinging, and I've bicycled down The World's Most Dangerous Road in Bolivia. I loved it!

Did you ever experience any embarrassing situations?

I speak a bit of Spanish. The words for 'chicken' and 'penis' sound quite similar. I'm not sure if I've asked for the wrong thing at a fried chicken shop yet!

Where's the best/worst place you slept?

Best place - the business class seats on Argentina's buses. Worst place - the cardboard box on the bus station floor whilst waiting for this bus!

Where in the world is your favourite beach?

The one with an icy cold beer with my name on it!

What's your favourite street food?

Hard to go past the street carts of Indonesia with loads of chicken satay skewers!

How do you cure your hangovers?

Amazingly, my metabolism doesn't allow me to have hangovers. I've never had on in my life so I don't know how to cure them!

What's your favourite foreign word?

Cojones, in Spanish. It literally means 'balls', but actually means 'that's fantastic'.

What's the most useful travel expression for you? How many languages can you translate that?

I always try to learn 5 words in every language that I need to know - that is Hello, Goodbye, Please, Thank you, and Beer. Then I use combinations of those 5 words to get by. For some reason, I probably use the word 'Beer' the most...

Did you have any New Year's resolutions for yourself and The Travel Tart?

Yes, make The Travel Tart a full time business so that I can become a multi-millionaire for life. Not that I'd tell anyone if that happened...!

What do you wish for your future?

Keep making travel an integral part of the rest of my life because I love it!

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