O Hayali Suite Hotel
Informácie o ubytovaní
Kategória | Hotel★★★★ |
Check-in | from 14:00 to 0:00 |
Check-out | until 12:00 |
Večierka | No curfew |
Zamknutie izby | No lockout |
Recepcia | 24/7 |
Poloha a okolie
Služby a vybavenosť
Zariadenia a služby
Wi-Fi access | |
Raňajky | 10.00 USD per guest, per night |
Klimatizácia | |
Zobraziť viac... |
Spoločné priestory
Miesta na parkovanie | |
Zobraziť viac... |
Toto ubytovanie nemá zatiaľ žiadne hodnotenia.Dôležité vedieť
Pravidlá pre zvieratá | Animals NOT accepted |
Pravidlá pre deti | Children can stay for free in parents' bed/s if younger than 3 years.Maximum of 2 Kids are allowed. If 3 - 4 kids, the property will then suggest to take 1 Extra Bed which will cost $ 30 per night. If kids are more than 5, then, the property will suggest to book another suite. |
Vekové obmedzenie v súkromných izbách | No restrictions |
Vekové obmedzenie v spoločných izbách | No restrictions |
Pravidlá pre fajčiarov | All rooms are non smoking, smoking allowed only on dedicated areas |
Bezbariérový prístup | No wheelchair access |
Pravidlá a podmienky
Podmienky zrušenia rezervácie | Free cancellation at least 24 hours before arrival date, first night of stay fee for late cancellation or no show |
Špeciálne podmienky | No Pre-payment or down payment needed.
Only guest can pay upon arrival. Cancellations or No show is for free. Reservations will be then officially cancelled at 12:00 PM of the next day of the specific Reservation Date.false |
Príjmané platby | The hostel accepts the following credit card brands for balance payments: Visa, Mastercard, American Express |
Dane | Taxes included |
Iné poplatky | Valued Guests will only pay the Room Rates upon arrival. Additional Cost will be added only if they will request for a Breakfast. It will be $ 10 per person per meal. |