O Attic Backpackers
Informácie o ubytovaní
Kategória | Hostel |
Check-in | from 14:00 to 23:00 Guests wishing to check-in after 11pm are required to contact our Reception team prior to arrival and request a late check-in option. At this time we will then contact you with instructions on how to access the hostel and check into your room. |
Check-out | until 10:00 |
Večierka | No curfew |
Zamknutie izby | No lockout |
Recepcia | from 8 to 23 |
Poloha a okolie
Služby a vybavenosť
Zariadenia a služby
Wi-Fi access | |
Linen | |
Zobraziť viac... |
Spoločné priestory
Kuchyňa | |
Zobraziť viac... |
Toto ubytovanie nemá zatiaľ žiadne hodnotenia.Dôležité vedieť
Pravidlá pre zvieratá | Animals NOT accepted |
Pravidlá pre deti | Children NOT accepted |
Vekové obmedzenie v súkromných izbách | at least 18 years |
Vekové obmedzenie v spoločných izbách | at least 18 years |
Pravidlá pre fajčiarov | All rooms are non smoking, smoking allowed only on dedicated areas |
Bezbariérový prístup | No wheelchair access |
Pravidlá a podmienky
Podmienky zrušenia rezervácie | The hostel charges 1 night if canceled less than 2 days before the arrival dateIn the event of a no show the hostel charges the full amount of BALANCE on customer's credit card |
Špeciálne podmienky | ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES
New arrivals can check into their rooms after 2pm each day. Guests may arrive earlier and leave their luggage at the hostel but access to rooms will not be granted until after 2pm. Departing guests must remove all their belongings from their room, and check out, before 10am. After this time guests may make use of the free luggage storage facilities but all possessions must be removed from the room and the Key(s) provided at Check-in must be handed back to reception. 2. CHECK-IN You do not have to be a member of any organisation to stay at The Attic, however we do require that a form of valid photo identification is presented upon check in, in either international Passport, or New Zealand driving license. No other forms of Identification are accepted by The Attic 3.CHECK-OUT Check-out is at 10am and guests must hand all keys back to reception before 10:30am at the latest to receive a full refund of any key deposits paid. 4. AGE RESTRICTIONS The Attic operates a strict 18+ policy, with no persons under the age of 18 allows on the premises - be that in common areas or private dormitories. Reservations are accepted from persons under the age of 18 at the time of booking; however this person must be aged over 18 years of age on the date of check-in. Unlike some hostels, we do not have an upper age limit. Most of our guests are backpackers in the 18 to 30 age range. Please be aware that you may be assigned a top bunk, bunks are offered on a first-come first-served basis; therefore if you have mobility issues or are unable to ascend a ladder please contact The Attic to arrange free cancellation. 5. ROOM ALLOCATION The Attic cannot guarantee any particular bunk or room, even if the same room type. Please note that when reserving dorm beds or private rooms from any web site, it does not automatically mean that all the guests on that booking will be in the same room. Although The Attic team members will try to allocate all the guests on each booking to the same room, depending on occupancy on the date of the reservation, this is not always possible. 6. GUEST BEHAVIOUR The comfort, safety and security of our guests is of paramount importance to The Attic. Any guest(s) who, in the opinion of our staff, compromise the comfort, safety or security of other guests, staff or local residents will be requested to leave the hostel premises and will not be offered a refund. Guests are expected to respect other guests, staff, local residents and property. In the case of groups, the group leaders must ensure that all members of their group behave in an acceptable manner. Failure of any individual group member to do so will result in the expulsion of the whole group. 7. SMOKING Smoking is not permitted within any dormitory or private rooms, or common spaces within The Attic premises, with the exception of the designated smoking area found on the Balcony / Terrace. Any guest found smoking inside the building will be charged a $150 cleaning fee and asked to leave the premises immediately, furthermore, no refund will be offered for any outstanding accommodation. Ashtrays are provided in the designated smoking area for guests who wish to smoke. 8. PERSONAL PROPERTY Security is of paramount importance to us here at The Attic, and although we have several security access measures in place, all guests are asked to use the secure personal item lockers found in the Locker room, off corridor 11. These lockers are available for use free of charge, and secured using either a padlock provided by the guest or from a key supplied by Reception (for a small deposit). It is wholly the guest’s responsibility to ensure that their personal belongings are secure at all times. The Attic accepts no liability for the loss, theft or damage to property however sustained or caused. 9. THE ATTIC PROPERTY’S RIGHTS Guests will be expected to reimburse The Attic for any damages caused by inappropriate behaviour during their stay at the Hostel. This may take the form of physical damage charges or cleaning/ housekeeping charges. 10. ACCESS KEYS AND CODES Upon check-in guests will receive a key and access codes for access to their room and to the hostels two security doors. These keys are to be returned at 10am on the date of check out. Failure to return the keys will result in a $20.00 charge, which may be charged against the customer’s credit card supplied at the time of reservation. 11. LIABILITY Except in relation to death or personal injury caused by our negligence, The Attic’s liability remains, at all times, limited to the value of the services booked, excluding any amendment charges paid to us. 12. YOUR INFORMATION The Attic shall only store and use information you supply to us or which is supplied to us for the purposes of carrying out our contract with you and to inform you of other services and offers which we make available from time to time. If you do not wish to receive such information or you wish to have your contact information removed from any database owned or operated by The Attic, please let us know by contacting or by writing to us. 13. ERRORS AND OMISSIONS Any omission or errors in sales literature, web pages or site, order form, quotation, price list, order acknowledgement, despatch note, invoice or other document issued by us may be corrected by us without liability. We will advise you of any changes at the time of booking or as soon as is reasonably possible thereafter. 14. DISCRETION All bookings are subject to availability and The Attic reserves the right to decline any booking at its discretion. 15. LATE CANCELLATION CHARGES The Attic operate a 48-hour cancellation policy meaning that we need to be notified before 2pm the day prior to the arrival of any cancellation or changing of a reservation. At the day of check-in, upon payment, there will be no refunds given for any early departure. 16. LATE DEPARTURE: In the case of a late departure, The Attic reserves the right to charge for a further nights stay at the appropriate rack rate of the bed(s). Management discretion will apply. 17. NON-REFUNDABLE BOOKINGS: Non-refundable bookings cannot be cancelled or modified without incurring a charge equal to the full value of the reservation. Payment for the full value of non-refundable bookings may be required at the time of booking, in the event of this requirement failure to supply a valid payment card or if we are unable to obtain payment from the card at the time of making the booking will result in the booking being cancelled. 18. LONG TERM STAY: The Attic operates a standard policy of 14 nights max stay, unless otherwise approved by Property Management. To qualify for an extension of stay guests must reserve spaces for a minimum of 7 nights and have no arrears. All reservations made are to be paid in advance. Furthermore any long-term guests must remain socially proactive with new arrivals, maintain good personal hygiene and keep a clean bunk area.false |
Príjmané platby | The hostel accepts the following credit card brands for balance payments: Visa, Mastercard, Visa Electron, Debit Cards |
Overenie kreditnej karty | The property reserves the right to pre-authorise credit cards prior to arrival |
Dane | Taxes included |
Iné poplatky | The Attic charges a $20NZD Key Deposit charge at check-in, This amount is payable in either cash or by credit/debit card. This is refunded back to the guest on Check-out in the form of cash. |