Roy's Terrace Inn, Bed & Breakfast în Santiago de Cuba

177 Santa Rita St., Santiago de Cuba, Cuba

Despre Roy's Terrace Inn

Informații despre cazare

CategorieBed & Breakfast
Check-inde la 1:00 la 0:00
Check in time is 1:00 p.m.
Should your Check in be outside of the above time, for your convenience and by prior arrangement, luggage may be left with us outside the above time and will be stored securely until you check in.
Check-outPână la 11:00
StingereaFără stingere
Blocare camerăFără lockout

Locație și împrejurimi

Servicii și facilități

Wi-Fi access
Mic dejun5.00 EUR pe client, pe noapte
Aer condiţionatcamere private
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Incă nu exista opinii pentru această proprietate.

Important de știut

Politica animalelorAnimalele de companie NU SUNT acceptate
Politica copiilorToți copiii plătesc preț întreg precum adulții.Up to 3 children. o enable us to provide all our guests with an enjoyable and relaxing stay we regret we are unable to accept children in the house without the supervision of a parent or guardian. We would welcome a well behaved child sharing a room with a parent or guardian. In no circumstances is it permitted to leave a child in the building unaccompanied by an adult.
Restricții de vârstă pentru camere privateFără restricții
Restrictionarea vârstei pentru dormitoareFără restricții
Politica fumatuluiToate camerele sunt destinate nefumătorilor. puteți fuma în zonele special amenajate.
Acces pentru scaun cu rotileNu este echipat pentru persoane cu dizabilități

Termeni şi condiţii

Politica de anulareEventuale anulări sunt gratuite dacă sunt notificate cu cel puțin 24 de ore înainte de data sosirii. Pentru anulări târzii sau în caz de neprezentare structura își rezervă dreptul de a încasa costul primei noapți de cazare ca penalizare.
Condiţii specialeCar Parking

On street parking is available, without restrictions.

Please do not leave any luggage or valuables of any description on view in vehicles. In common with most cities, car crime is a fact of life. Not only do you risk losing your possessions cars are expensive to repair and you will have provided the perpetrators another reason to revisit this vicinity.


To enable us to provide all our guests with an enjoyable and relaxing stay we regret we are unable to accept children in the house without the supervision of a parent or guardian. We would welcome a well behaved child sharing a room with a parent or guardian. In no circumstances is it permitted to leave a child in the building unaccompanied by an adult.

The Roof Garden

Guests are welcome to relax in our roof garden (terrace). It will probably be a surprise that such a tranquil setting can be found so close to the heart of the city. The number and variety of exotic plants is challenged only by the amazing quality of light at sunset and the gentle evening breeze. We kindly request that you, please, be gentle to our plants at all times as they are the life and soul of our house.false
Plăți acceptateHostelul acceptă următoarele carduri de credit pentru plata la sosire: Visa, Mastercard, Visa Electron, American Express, JCB, Aura, Diners, Debit Cards
TaxeTaxe incluse