キャンセルポリシー | ご到着日の24時間前までキャンセル可能。それ以降のキャンセルもしくはノーショーの場合、一泊目の料金が請求されます。 |
特別な条件 | Important: For a stay with us a Hostelling International Membership is required. International guests without membership pay a surcharge of 3,50 Euro for the first 6 nights to obtain a full membership for the use of more than 4.000 Youth Hostels worldwide. German residents can become a member of the German Youth Hostel Association for 7,00 Euro per year (older than 26 years and for families: 22,50 Euro) upon arrival.
Prices apply to guests younger than 26 years. Guests older than 26 years pay a surcharge of 5.50 Euro per person and night. All prices include breakfast and sheets.false |
支払いが完了しました | このホステルでは残金を下記の種類のクレジットカードにてお支払い可能です: Visa, Mastercard, Visa Electron, Debit Cards |
税金 | 税金は価格に含まれています |