Dreamkapture Hostel, Hostel u Guayaquil

Alborada Doce ava Etapa Mz.02 - V. 21, Guayaquil, Ekvador

1 recenzija

Više informacija o Dreamkapture Hostel

Informacije o smještaju

Check-in24-satni check-in
Check Out and Arrival Times at the Hostel

Dreamkapture accommodates 24 hour arrivals. We have a night attendant in the office seven days a week.

Check In time is 1:00 p.m. or later. This is after rooms have been vacated and cleaned. If the room is ready before 12:00 p.m. you will be allowed to check in sooner.

Our check out time for your room is 12:00 p.m. noon.

Check out time from the hostel is 5:00 p.m.

If you are leaving on a late bus or flight, we offer an extended stay option for $5.00 per person until 11:30 p.m. With the extended stay option you can use the kitchen, Internet, TV, bathrooms, jacuzzi pool. But you will not have a room and are only aloud in the public areas.

If you are arriving late in the night, you might want to make reservations for the next night as well if you are planning on staying in Guayaquil.

If you arrive before 12:00 p.m. noon it is possible your room will Not be ready at that time. Other guest need to check out of the room first, and then the room needs to be cleaned before we can get you settled in. If the room is vacant from the previous night we can check you in to your room after 6:00 a.m.

Early Check In at the hostel: Checking in between 12:00 a.m. midnight and 6:00 a.m. will be considered as the previous night and will require payment.

This type of early arrival will still require you to Check Out the same day by 12 p.m. noon if you are only staying one day. If you are arriving early in the a.m. hours and want to go directly to a bed and you plan on staying the next night too; you will need to reserve 2 nights; the night of when you are arriving and the next day's night.

An example of this would be: Arriving 2:00 a.m. in the night of the 4th and wanting to stay the night of the 5th. You would need a reservation for both nights: the 4th and 5th. This way you can go directly to a room and not worry about checking out at 12:00 p.m. noon on your arrival date.

Arriving after midnight does not make your reservation valid for the actual calendar date that you are arriving on. Rooms are rented by the night.
Check-outdo 12:00
Policijski satNema policijskog sata
Vrijeme zatvaranje sobeNema lockout/vremena zatvaranja

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Važno je znati

Pravila o životinjamaŽivotinje se NE prihvaćaju
Pravila o djeciDjeca borave besplatno u krevetu/ima roditelja ukoliko su mlađi od 3 godina.
Dobna ograničenja za privatne sobeNema ograničenja
Dobna ograničenja za spavaonicenajmanje 16 godina
Pravila o pušenjuU svim sobama nije moguće pušiti, pušenje je dozvoljeno samo u za to prilagođenim zonama
Pogodno za invalidska kolicaNeprilagođeno za osobe s posebnim potrebama

Uvjeti korištenja

Politika o otkazivanjuStruktura naplaćuje 1 noćenje/a ukoliko se rezervacija otkaže u manje od 3 dana prije datuma dolaska
Prihvaćeni načini plaćanjaStruktura prihvaća sljedeće kreditne kartice za plaćanje ostatka cijene: Visa, Mastercard
PorezPorezi nisu uključeni: IVA 12%
1 recenzija