24 hours check-in You can check in at any time after 3pm on the check-in date.
The hotel will keep your room until the latest check-out time (11am
tomorrow), there are all-day operators on duty at the front desk.
Children can stay for free in parents' bed/s if younger than 4 years.one children
Aldersbegrænsning i private værelser
Mindst 18 år gammel
Aldersbegrænsning i deleværelser
Ingen restriktioner
All rooms are non smoking, smoking allowed only on dedicated areas
Full wheelchair access to the property (common areas and all rooms).
Vilkår og betingelser
The hostel charges the full amount of BALANCE if canceled less than 3 days before the arrival dateI tilfælde af udeblivelse bolig vil opkræve full amount af balancen betaling fra kundens kreditkort
Godkendte betalingsformer
Ejendommen accepterer følgende kreditkortmærker for saldobetalinger: Visa, Mastercard, JCB
Ejendommen forbeholder sig ret til at pre-autorisere kreditkort forud for ankomst