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> Milan

Milan, Italy

最低価格 17/6/2015 終了日 22/6/2015


21/06/2015 CEST
Sunday it's a good day to relax in the park,but first go through the castle. In the park you could enjoy a sunbath, or sit close to the pond wathichng and feeding the ducks.
12/07/2015 CEST
Stay at Screamhouse hostel, which on the Red line of the Metro. With the red line you can reach to the Duomo, the shopping center, and th park. Visiting the Duomo definately go to the roof and terraces. Great view from the top, with close up on the great art of the Duomo. After take a walk through shopping galeria and check out the latest fashion. Walking around the Duomo you could see different street enterntainments and enjoy it with gelato.




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