Casitas Kinsol, ゲストハウスでプエルト・モレロス

Avenida Zetina Gazca - Manazana 6 - Lote 18, プエルト・モレロス, メキシコ

Casitas Kinsolについて


チェックイン15:00 〜 0:00
Check-in time may be accommodated earlier, and check-out time delayed, depending on previous and following re-rent: ask us for details.
受付9 〜 17



Wi-Fi アクセス




動物に関してのポリシー- 3 dogs on the property - Guest dogs allowed if well behaved and trained - We reserve the right to cancel a reservation if some problems arise with the guest's dog - $7.00 fee per pet per night (inquire for special rates on long term rent) - Pets are not allowed on furniture or beds. - Pets must be sociable and friendly to other animals and to humans. - Owner of the pet must pick-up immediately after his friendly animal.
お子様に関するポリシー両親のベッドを共用する場合お子様は無料で 5 才まで宿泊無料.- Kids under 5 years old are free if they stay in the same room with their parents / tutors, and if no bed is added to the room. - No crib is available.


キャンセルポリシー- Cancellation received 31 days (or more) prior to the arrival will qualify for a refund of the total deposit, minus a $50.00 which is a refund commission (per room booked). - Cancellation received less than 30 days prior to the arrival date will forfeit the entire deposit amount, unless we are able to re-rent the room (minus the $50.00 refund commission per room booked). - We will make every effort to re-rent the room. If we are able to rent the room for the time-period subject to cancellation, we will refund an amount equal to the rent actually received minus the $50.00 refund commission. - No refund in the event of early departure. - It is strongly recommended that guests purchase trip cancellation insurance, particularly during months which are more prone to hurricanes to protect against any losses due to severe weather, health related issues, acts of god, ..., which is the responsibility of the renter.ノーショー(無断キャンセル)の場合ホステルはお客様のクレジットカードにご予約合計金額の50% を請求いたします。
- The exchange rate used to compute the prices in Mexican Pesos is available at
- Rates per room with one or two persons.
- Service / gratuity / tips not included (left to your appreciation).
- Subject to change and availability.

- The maximum occupancy is 2 persons, in most of the rooms. Some rooms can accommodate 3 to 5 persons at extra cost.
- All the rooms come with at least one full-size (double-size) bed. Some rooms have an extra full-size bed or an extra twin-size (single-size) bed.
- Extra person (a third or a fourth person in a room): $12.00 (depending on the season) per night, per person.

- 50% deposit (or the first night rent in the case of a one-night stay) is due upon booking to hold and to confirm the reservation.
- The reservation is confirmed when the payment is received.
- The balance is due at check-in, in cash in Mexican Pesos at the exchange rate provided by
- On last minute reservations, the payment must be cleared before your arrival at Casitas Kinsol.

- A payment is considered done when received and duly cashed in our bank.
- Credit / debit cards are not accepted on our web site. However you can pay with credit / debit cards through Paypal.
- Paypal is accepted to pay the deposit (you can pay with your credit / debit card through Paypal); however 3.00% fee applies.
- Paypal is NOT accepted to pay the remaining balance upon arrival. Only cash in Mexican Pesos is accepted, on the site.

- No beach towels provided.
- Maid service is provided twice a week with one full change of linens. Extra maid service is available: $15.00 per service.
- Wireless Internet access (Wifi) is free on short term rent (and available at extra charge - $15.00 monthly fee - on long term rent - one month or over). The room #8 does not have Wifi coverage.
- Basic cable TV with almost 60 channels (in Spanish, English, French) is available at extra charge in some rooms.

Service / tip / gratuity:
- The gratuity, also called tip or 'service' is NOT included.
- It is NOT mandatory, however, your maid will surely appreciate it (should he/she deserves it).
- It is left to your appreciation and it is completely discretionary.
- 10 to 15 % of the value of the stay, would be an excellent tip.

- The rooms (#1, #6, #7 and #8) with kitchenettes are priced around 20% over the rate of the standard room.
- The kitchenette comes with a fridge, a sink, a gas dual-burner cook-top and the basic utensils to cook and to eat-in. Perfect for basic cooking. Not for gourmet meal preparation.
- No micro-wave oven.
- No oven.
- No dishwasher.
- You clean your own dishes: the maid is there to take care of the room (not to wash the dishes).

支払われるべき金額合計金額 が到着前に請求されます。お支払いが完了しなかった場合ご予約は保証されず、デポジット(前金)は返金されません。. 請求された合計金額は返金不可です