O Hostel San Francisco
Informácie o ubytovaní
Kategória | Hostel |
Check-in | from 13:00 to 22:00 Arrivals after 22hrs. must be advise, otherwise check-in is not guarenteed |
Check-out | until 12:00 |
Večierka | No curfew |
Zamknutie izby | No lockout |
Recepcia | from 12 to 22 |
Poloha a okolie
Služby a vybavenosť
Zariadenia a služby
Wi-Fi access | |
Raňajky | With extra cost |
Linen | |
Klimatizácia | private rooms |
Zobraziť viac... |
Spoločné priestory
Zobraziť viac... |
Toto ubytovanie nemá zatiaľ žiadne hodnotenia.Dôležité vedieť
Pravidlá pre zvieratá | Animals NOT accepted |
Pravidlá pre deti | Children NOT accepted |
Vekové obmedzenie v súkromných izbách | No restrictions |
Vekové obmedzenie v spoločných izbách | No restrictions |
Bezbariérový prístup | No wheelchair access |
Pravidlá a podmienky
Podmienky zrušenia rezervácie | The hostel charges the 50% of balance if canceled less than 7 days before the arrival dateIn the event of a no show the hostel charges the full amount of BALANCE on customer's credit card |
Špeciálne podmienky | In case of using Aura or JCB credit cards you need to get in contact with the hostel's management.false |
Príjmané platby | The hostel accepts the following credit card brands for balance payments: Visa, Mastercard, Visa Electron, Debit Cards |
Overenie kreditnej karty | The property reserves the right to pre-authorise credit cards prior to arrival |
Dane | Taxes not included: 1.10€ per person and night in terms of touristic tax. After the publication of the new law on touristic stays on the Balearic Islands regions. |