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Online Translations is looking for foreigner students willing to work as translators in the main office in Venice, Italy.

Your Profile:

Are you native speaker in Spanish / Turkish / Hungarian / Russian / Swedish / Dutch / Czech / Norwegian / Danish / Finnish /French / Japanese / Chinese / Hindi / Korean / Bulgarian / Croatian / Portuguese and speak English and maybe one other foreign language?

Internet is not a foreign world for you and you have been using hostels?

Do you like to translate, write articles, blog and consider yourself as a creative person?

What we offer:

An innovative working environment in an international team.

Flexible working hours (maximum 20 hours per week)

Opportunities to learn online writing.

About Us: is a search and booking engine for accommodation and has an ever-growing database of over 29,000 properties worldwide. Established in 2003 it is a leading on-line cheapest & best quality accommodations provider. is a young, vibrant and dynamic company dedicated to providing the budget travelers with a 'one-stop shop' for all their travel accommodation needs. provides travelers from all over the world an online search and booking engine for any destination worldwide. It means that whether you're traveling to Europe, North America, South America, Asia Oceania or Africa will have what you're looking for.

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Reist Ihr in einer Gruppe? Klickt auf den untenstehenden Link um euch die Liste aller Hostels anzeigen zu lassen, die Buchungen von mehr als 10 Personen akzeptieren. Nutzt das Formular, um die Verfügbarkeit zu überprüfen und direkt online zu buchen. Wenn Ihr Hilfe benögtigt, zögert nicht uns unter zu kontaktieren, wir helfen euch gerne dabei das beste Angebot für eure Gruppe zu finden.

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