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Users' blogs about 奧地利

旅館在 奧地利

This is our users' travel blog about 奧地利. Here you'll find hostels and hotels reviews, suggestions for bars and restaurants, or any other recommendation that young travelers may want to share about 奧地利. All users can publish on this page, just for their friends or for everyone. To enjoy exclusive contents or publish your own, join MyClub network right now! (If you already have a Facebook, Google or Twitter account it's just a matter of few clicks).

我的俱樂部 > Users' blogs about 奧地利



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Betty Apartment

52% 52%

交通方便 安靜 老舊公寓 我們喜歡這屋子 但是不喜歡這屋況 洗澡時污水從其他出口冒出 洗碗也是 之前告知有問題 女主人只是很客氣的直說對不起 但是沒有動作 接下來的週六日我都在清浴室 發了簡訊跟信都沒回應 有人週日入住也聯絡不上主人 週一有位男士來處理 態度很好 退房幾天後才收到之前的回信說假日沒有水電工 我連找人抱怨的機會都沒有 還有她的無線網路很不穩 假日都抓不到

over 12 years ago


Travelling in a group? Click on the link below to get the list of hostels that accept reservations for 10 or more guests.

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