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Users' blogs about Marseille (France)

This is our users' travel blog about Marseille (France). Here you'll find hostels and hotels reviews, suggestions for bars and restaurants, or any other recommendation that young travelers may want to share about Marseille (France). All users can publish on this page, just for their friends or for everyone. To enjoy exclusive contents or publish your own, join MyClub network right now! (If you already have a Facebook, Google or Twitter account it's just a matter of few clicks).

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Hostel Chapitre

100% 100%

The best of all hostels we stayed at this summer! We enjoyed a tidy, very clean room. There's also a nice little kitchen, where you can not only use the fridge but also some dishes - so you can have a little meal at home! The bathroom was really clean, as well! And last but not least: The staff was always helpful and very friendly! So this hostel is most probably the best place to stay at in Marseille!

over 10 years ago
Hostel Chapitre

82% 82%

I loved there. go and stay there :)

over 12 years ago
Bastide de l'Etoile

82% 82%

The day at the B&B was awesome, really helpful and friendly staff, nice pool, quit localated, big and clean rooms and the breakfast was also nice.

over 12 years ago
Bastide de l'Etoile

68% 68%

Really nice and clean place. Location was quite inconvenient - no public transport available after 9 p.m. and 8.20 p.m. during weekends. You can borrow bikes and use swimming pool. Breakfast very decent. Staff was helpful, offered additional maps and materials about Marseille to look thru. It's safe and quiet.

over 12 years ago
over 12 years ago
London Connection B&B

100% 100%

The hostel is very good, it is in a very good location right next to Gare St. Charles. Max was really helpful and helped to sort a lift to Paris. Always ask him if you need any help and he'll do his best to help you out.

over 12 years ago
London Connection B&B

92% 92%

Max is a great host. Chances are he speaks your language. He knows his way around the city and will help you find any thing you are looking for and the cheapest way to do it. I highly recommend this hostel.

over 12 years ago

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