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Users' blogs about Madrid (Spain)

Hostels in Madrid, Spain

This is our users' travel blog about Madrid, Spain. Here you'll find hostels and hotels reviews, suggestions for bars and restaurants, or any other recommendation that young travelers may want to share about Madrid, Spain. All users can publish on this page, just for their friends or for everyone. To enjoy exclusive contents or publish your own, join MyClub network right now! (If you already have a Facebook, Google or Twitter account it's just a matter of few clicks).

My Club > Users' blogs about Spain > Users' blogs about Madrid



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over 8 years ago
Mad4you Hostel

94% 94%

The street that Mad4You is located on doesn´t look very inviting, but after stepping inside, it is a wonderful place full of camaraderie, relaxation, and good food. It´s located close to most Madrid attractions, and is a nice retreat after a busy day!

over 8 years ago
Mad4you Hostel

100% 100%

Mi primer experiencia en un hostal y me dejo muy satisfecha la gente te atiende muy bien súper amables todos, el ambiente muy tranquilo, las instalaciones son luminosas abiertas cómodas. La relación entre precio y servicio no podría ser mejor, muchas gracias Jane. It's the best place to stay, you'll feel welcome and comfortable really nice service thank you all Guys from the staff for such a pleasent experience

over 8 years ago
Safestay Madrid

90% 90%

Muy buen hostel, muy bien ubicado y con gran atención por parte del staff. Grata Experiencia.

over 8 years ago
Luz Marisol Garcia #Church #Spain
over 9 years ago
Trip Trip: Estudios
Luz Marisol Garcia #Nofilter #sinfiltro
over 9 years ago
Trip Trip: Estudios
Luz Marisol Garcia En mi #paseo de hoy...
over 9 years ago
Trip Trip: Estudios
Luz Marisol Garcia Definitivamente #amo esto: #invierno #winter
over 9 years ago
Trip Trip: Estudios
Luz Marisol Garcia En el estanque...
over 9 years ago
Trip Trip: Estudios
Sara Moreira Toc Hostel Madrid é muito bom.
over 9 years ago
Trip Trip: Madrid

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