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Users' blogs about Sevilla (Španělsko)

Hostels in Sevilla, Španělsko

This is our users' travel blog about Sevilla, Španělsko. Here you'll find hostels and hotels reviews, suggestions for bars and restaurants, or any other recommendation that young travelers may want to share about Sevilla, Španělsko. All users can publish on this page, just for their friends or for everyone. To enjoy exclusive contents or publish your own, join MyClub network right now! (If you already have a Facebook, Google or Twitter account it's just a matter of few clicks).

My Club > Users' blogs about Španělsko > Users' blogs about Sevilla



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Seville Backpacker Picasso Hostel

90% 90%

Super hostel z dobrou polohou (od Katedraly cca 3min), trochu stiesnena izba ale na spanok a teplu sprchu to staci na 100%. Vdaka dobrej orientacii na centrum, cistote a ustretovosti personalu mozem len vrele doporucit.

over 14 years ago

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Travelling in a group? Click on the link below to get the list of hostels that accept reservations for 10 or more guests.

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