Politika o otkazivanju | Za sve rezervirane sobe unaprijed se plaća ukupna cijena koja je nepovratna. |
Prihvaćeni načini plaćanja | Struktura prihvaća sljedeće kreditne kartice za plaćanje ostatka cijene: Visa, Mastercard, Visa Electron |
Predviđena naplata | ukupan iznos će biti naplaćeno prije dolaska, u protivnom rezervacija neće biti garantirana, a plaćen depozit će biti izgubljen. Naplaćen iznos je nepovratan |
Preautorizacija | Struktura ima pravo napraviti pre-autorizaciju kreditne kartice prije dolaska |
Porez | Porezi nisu uključeni: The Tourist City Tax is excluded from the given price and needs to be settled at the Hostel upon arrival by credit card. The tourist tax does not apply if you, or other guests included in your booking, are 29 years old or younger.
Tourist City Tax rate, per person per night: €2,00
Please be aware that Milan City Council might review prices and conditions on taxes at any time. |
Ostale promjene | A €20 Security Deposit per person is required in order to complete the reservation and must be settled before arrival by credit card. The amount will be pre-authorized, and released after check-out - if no damage is found. |