Hostel Franz Ferdinand, Hostel u Sarajevo

Jelica 4, Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina

7 recenzija

Više informacija o Hostel Franz Ferdinand

Informacije o smještaju

Check-in24-satni check-in
Check-outdo 11:00
Policijski satNema policijskog sata
Vrijeme zatvaranje sobeNema lockout/vremena zatvaranja

Lokacija i okolica

Dostupne usluge

Wi-Fi pristup
Air conditioning
Prikaži više...
Zajednički prostori

Recenzije (9.9 Izvrsno)

Maštovit i zanimljiv hostel :)
Posebno odlicno osoblje na recepciji!

Važno je znati

Pravila o životinjamaŽivotinje se NE prihvaćaju
Pravila o djeciPrihvaćaju se djeca
Dobna ograničenja za privatne sobeNema ograničenja
Dobna ograničenja za spavaoniceNema ograničenja
Pravila o pušenjuU svim sobama i zajedničkim prostorijama je zabranjeno pušenje
Pogodno za invalidska kolicaNeprilagođeno za osobe s posebnim potrebama

Uvjeti korištenja

Politika o otkazivanjuMoguće je besplatno otkazati rezervaciju najkasnije do 24 sata prije datuma dolaska, naplaćivanje prvog noćenja u slučajevima kasnog otkazivanja ili nedolaska
Posebni uvjetiTerms of use
• A guest is required to compensate for any damage, caused intentionally or by accident
• A person who damages the hostel or the inventory bears the expanses.
• A guest is required to inform the reception of any failure or malfunction on the hostel equipment or inventory
• If a guest loses a key, compensation is 10 KM.
• In case of smoking inside the hostel, hostel staff will charge a rule violator 40 KM.
• In case of alcohol consumation by a person under the age of 18, the hostel management is required to give a warning, and then to dislocate the guest and cancel the services without compensation.
• In case of bringing in some combustile material, material having strong and unpleasant smell, weapons, drogs etc. , the hostel staff will be forced to dislocate the guest from the building and charge them 40 KM.
• If a quest does not comply with other regulations, pointed out in the hostel regulation rules, the management is obliged to warn the guest, and cancel further services afterwards, without compensation.
• Staff is not required to return the deposit for linen and towels, if they are damaged or incomplete.
• If you use our parking services, hostel is not responsible for possible damages to your car.
• Hostel management is not responsible for food poisoning, if the food is provided by guests, stored and consumed in the hostel.
• For all the unpleasantness of the hostel staff to guests, hostel management is required to examine the situation and make amands
• Hostel is not responsible for injuries within their premises, unless they are caused by the direct fault of the hostel staff or equipment and inventoryfalse
Prihvaćeni načini plaćanjaStruktura prihvaća sljedeće kreditne kartice za plaćanje ostatka cijene: Visa, Mastercard, Visa Electron, American Express, JCB, Aura, Diners, Debit Cards
PorezPorezi uključeni
Ostale promjeneAll private rooms have they own key, and every bed shared rooms has his security locker. Guest pays 10 BAM of deposit that will be returned on his check out.
7 recenzija