Registrirajte Se Sad - My Club MY CLUB ()
Pomoć? Nazovi nas: +39 041 5246742
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To join our booking network, please fill in this form and submit it. You will be contacted immediately by Hostelsclub's staff with further instructions on how to insert rooms, availability and more information about your property.

PLEASE NOTE: Fields with a double asterisk are compulsory.


Opće informacije

Ime strukture: **

Morate odabrati kategoriju **

Kontakt Info

E-mail **

Vaša website adresa

Telefonski broj **

Fax broj

Kontakt osoba (osoba za kontakt u vašem staff-u) **


Adresa **

Regija ili Županija

Poštanski Broj **

Odaberi državu ili grad

Država (ukoliko nije prisutna na listi iznad)

Grad (ukoliko nije prisutan na listi iznad)

Direkcije (Ovo polje mora sadržavati jednostavne direkcije NA ENGLESKOM JEZIKU koje opisuju kako doći do vašeg smještaja dolazeći sa glavnih prometnih točaka, poput željezničkog ili autobusnog kolodvora, aerodroma, itd.) **

Opis (ovaj je dio potrebno unijeti na engleskom jeziku)

About the property (history, staff and mood)
When was the property established? How did the project start? Which is your property mission? Has the building any interesting feature worth mentioning? Briefly describe the atmosphere in your property and introduce your staff. **

Accommodation (room types and room facilities)
How many rooms are there in your property? What room types do you provide (private, shared, dorms, ensuite, with shared bathroom etc.)? Mention if there are bunk beds. Is there any specific in-room facilities (i.e. linen, towels, TV, air conditioning etc.)? List them briefly, but remember that there will be a dedicated section with 'tick/check box' list for this. **

Common areas, services and activities
What common areas and common amenities can customer use (game room, lounge area, bbq, kitchen, living room, garden, patio etc.)? Describe shortly services available (i.e. breakfast, internet access etc.), but remember that there will be a dedicated section with 'tick/check box' list for this. Write here if you organize any activity for guests (concerts, courses, tours, pub crawl, parties etc.).

Describe your property location and the neighbourhood: mention if there are shops, supermarkets restaurants, sightseeing, cultural activities, bars and pubs. Explain in few words how to reach your property and how to get downtown (but remember that there will be a dedicated section for detailed directions). **

Try to explain the reason why a customer should book a stay in your property. What is special and unique about your property compared to others? What are the benefits of booking your property for a traveller?

Podaci o fakturiranju

Odabrana Valuta (Valuta koja se koristi za upravljanje cijenama) **

Porez na Dodanu Vrijednost (PDV) pripadajuća zona **

Adresa fakture
i.e. Kompanija ili ime osobe i adresa registrirana u svrhu izdavanja faktura **

PDV identifikacijski broj ili ekvivalent [?]

Napomene za naš staff (pitanja, itd.)

Pročitao sam Ugovor za strukture i prihvaćam ga. **

Prošitao/la sam izjava o privacy. **



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grupne rezervacije

Putujete s grupom? Kliknite na link ispod kako bi vam se prikazala lista hostela koji prihvaćaju rezervacije za 10 ili više gostiju. Koristite obrazac za provjeru dostupnosti i rezerviranje. Ukoliko želite, slobodno nas kontaktirajte na, kako bi vam pomogli da pronađete najbolja rješenja za vašu grupu.

> nastavi

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