Street art in Berlin


A culture guide to Berlin's underground street art scene.

Street art in Berlin is big money. It’s technically illegal and occupies privately owned walls, but there are reasons why the German capital is the UNESCO City of Design. Art in Berlin comes from the bottom up. Like a throwback to the early 1980s, Berlin is fervently anti-establishment and has an uncompromising style.

Glorified by the grungy residents of Kreuzberg, the world’s largest outdoor art exhibition is crying out for an Instagram filter. Attracting tourists from across the world, you too can explore the sprayed crooks and crannies of Berlin’s art scene. Just remember to charge up your smartphone before you head out.

Here are some of our Berlin favourites.

Alice Pasquini Little Girl

Alice Pasquini’s little girl lost can be found in Friedrichshain, directly in front of the Oberbaum Bridge. Painted in early January 2014, her purple mural has a whimsical, melancholy quality and wouldn’t look out of place on Tumblr. Feel free to reblog her work.

She’s a remarkably gifted artist and her complete works can be discovered here.

Jimmy C

Jimmy C’s peace loving hoodie appears a menacing character at first. The type of youth who frequents bus stops and steals your iPhone while brandishing a knife. This guy seems pretty cool though. Situated on a small wall in the Wrangel Kiez, Kreuzberg, Australian artist Jimmy C has created a cult misunderstood figure for you to savour.

Blu Kreuzberg

Man is born free and everywhere is in chains...Renowned for his legendary mural at the Curvystrasse/Schlesische Strasse in Kreuzberg, the Italian street artist Blu set out to capture the ideological struggles of East and West. His enslaved cartoon is now one of the most iconic artworks in Berlin.


Capturing the angry, political spirit of Berlin street art, a South American climber broke in at Teufelsberg and painted this at the former NSA spying station. Alaniz is a politically motivated artist whose views are strongly reflected in his dark, atmospheric works.

Victor Ash

Hovering over the residents of Kreuzberg and inspiring gasps of joy from passing trains, ‘The Cosmonaut’ by Victor Ash is one of Berlin’s most famous paintings. A weightless man flying in space is something you expect when visiting Kreuzberg. It’s a remarkable painting and captures the creative spirit of the Berlin art scene.

Don't take our word for it though, book a hostel and find out for yourself.


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