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Cindy Werner

Cindy Werner


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32% 32%

The staff were the most unfriendly people I met during my 2 weeks travel in Italy. The computer was broken, so if you didn't bring your own laptop, which backpackers normally don't, then you could not use the internet. It is very far out in a part of town that I would have chosen not to see, if I knew that before. But it was clean and quiet, at least.

mais de 12 anos atrás
Napoleone Guesthouse

70% 70%

The staff was really nice and helpful and the place was great to come home to and have a talk with other travellers on the terrace. I met very nice and interesting people there. It's also very close to Rome's main trainstation and not far from the colosseum (can easily reached by foot). Negative was the mold in the bathrooms and I had many stitches after every night, which seem to be from something in the sheets rather than an insect that flew in the room, so that was quite disgusting...

mais de 12 anos atrás

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