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Darlan Chaves Ferreira

Darlan Chaves Ferreira

아직 등록되지 않았나요? 지금 로그인

당신의 예약 계정 기록들중 하나를 이용하여 입장
Hotel Europa

28% 28%

They cancelled my reservation after confirmation.

이상 12 년 전
Inter Hostel Stuttgart

88% 88%

It's a nice place to stay there.

이상 12 년 전
Hostel Argo

90% 90%

It's a very comfortable hotel for a small price. I enjoyed it so much

이상 12 년 전
Hostel Georghof Berlin

100% 100%

It' a very nice place. I'll be there whenever I go to Berlin

이상 12 년 전
Ostello Santa Fosca - CPU Venice Hostels

72% 72%

This a nice place to stay, but the kitchen wasn't working and you have to pay for the Internet and wait they open the reception because the Wi-fi reception works only there. The reception opens 5 pm and closes at 8 pm

이상 12 년 전
Hotel König

88% 88%

I liked this hotel so much. It worths each cent I've paid for that. If you're going to Cologne it's a great place to stay there

이상 12 년 전

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