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Users' blogs about Anzio (Olaszország)

Hostels in Anzio, Olaszország

This is our users' travel blog about Anzio, Olaszország. Here you'll find hostels and hotels reviews, suggestions for bars and restaurants, or any other recommendation that young travelers may want to share about Anzio, Olaszország. All users can publish on this page, just for their friends or for everyone. To enjoy exclusive contents or publish your own, join MyClub network right now! (If you already have a Facebook, Google or Twitter account it's just a matter of few clicks).

My Club > Users' blogs about Olaszország > Users' blogs about Anzio



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BnB L'Auberge

90% 90%

Anzio is very nice town to have some sunbathing and relax on the beach. It's little fishing town with a nice and long beach. Our staying in B&B L'Auberge was amazing with very good location and amazing staff. Antonio is a very kind and helpful person. We got some coffee and very delicious Italian dinner there. It was the best experience in our life. Greetings from Hungary! Tündi, Eszter and Anna

over 11 years ago

csoportos foglalás

Travelling in a group? Click on the link below to get the list of hostels that accept reservations for 10 or more guests.

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