Life After Lockdown: Prepare for your greatest travels yet


Why we believe travelling post-lockdown will be even better than before!

The last few months have completely turned the world upside-down and given it a violent shaking. Our lives of freedom have suddenly transformed into lives spent at home. The virus has been the cause of fear, panic, and worry in people all around the world. It has left us wary of each other, afraid to travel, but also more united than ever. We have learnt to be grateful for things we previously might have taken for granted - our gardens, our terraces, the books we bought but never found the time to read, and importantly, our wifi connections that have helped us to connect with friends around the world, and watch videos that have allowed the worst cooks to become the greatest chefs this lockdown.

With the outside world seeming like a distant memory, and the four walls of our living rooms become a little too familiar, we've had time to reflect on our travels before the world was put on lockdown. Stay at home for now, but we want to share with you why we believe travel post-lockdown will be even better than before.

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Aside from the places themselves, the people you meet and connect with on your travels often become the most rewarding parts of your adventure. Those intricate movements that lead to our paths intertwining with particular memorable characters on our journeys - this is what makes travelling exciting. Through the current pandemic, it's become apparent that there's not a corner of the world left untouched by the crisis. We've all been forced to reconnect with our humanity - our emotions, our ability to feel. We have seen loved ones affected by the crisis which has reminded us that we never quite know what the person to our left is going through. We've come to a new understanding of one another. The crisis has bred empathy, and a new feeling of togetherness has swept the world.

Imagine travelling in a world where people have become more appreciative and tolerating of one another. Deeper and more organic connections would be made, and we would be revelling in the feeling of being alive having experienced this shocking reminder of life's fragility. This is why travelling post-lockdown will be incredibly special.

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In a world where we feel grateful for our existence, the mood in hostels will be better than ever. Imagine the music made, the stories shared, and the recipes exchanged. We are all well aware of the pressures the crisis has put on businesses, especially those directly involved with travel - like hostels. The businesses that manage to see the virus through, will be waiting for you at the other end with welcoming arms. The hostels you stay in, the bars you virus, and the street stalls you buy food at - all will be very happy for your presence.

Before the world experienced this crisis, those of us who were travelling were certainly grateful for it. We'd put in the hard hours at work, saved up our money, and were living our reward. However, the freedom to travel was always there - we had the right to move around. Now that travel is severely restricted, and no longer a possibility, we are unable to take for granted our freedom of movement. By the time we're about to venture out on our next big adventure abroad, we'll be even more grateful for the expereince after months spent inside our homes, revelling in the anticipation for our next travels. Imagine the contrast. All you've known is your living room for the last few months, and suddenly you're abroad, not knowing where your journey will take you, able to take any path you choose! This will be a feeling to remember.

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Finally, another reason that travel post-lockdown has the potential to be even better than before, is because you will be so prepared. Think of the hours you currently have at your disposal to daydream about your next trip, and to plan every meticulous detail. There are so many books to read, maps to be investigated, and travel vlogs to watch!

We hope you are staying inside, and looking after one another in these unprecidented times. We will be waiting for you when it's time to travel again.

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